We prefer that all toys be new in the box. Most of our kids have never had much of a Christmas (or any) and we want them to have the best experience.
We do not have sponsors, only donors. We invite any and all corporate donations and we will be glad to allow your company to advertise at our events but we do not allow sponsorship as such. If you are interested in Sponsorships please visit our Tournaments page, we gladly accept sponsorships for the fishing Tournaments.
The original founders are Jerry Karnes and Andrew Coker, Jerry remains as a trusted advisor of the toy run while the Board of Directors manage the Charity.
Host hotel is The Inn At Clark's. They have slips available at the hotel. Their number is (361)983-2300. Other nearby hotels include the American Inn & Suites at (361)983-2606 and Poco Loco Lodge at (361)983-0300 and POC Rentals @ www.pocrentals.com . There are also many condo and house rentals available, just check Google and the POC Chamber of Commerce.
Most boaters return the following morning but this is strictly your call. Boaters generally leave POC in small groups starting around 0900 Sunday morning.
Just give us a call. We are always happy to answer your questions. Toys, travel, lodging, schedule....whatever. Call Chris Wolf @ 214-878-7780