The Toy Run had its beginning in 2002 when some friends got together to deliver some new toys to the Angel Tree program in Port O'Connor, Texas. The plan was to take our boats down the 72 miles of the ICW from Freeport, Texas and deliver the toys to the program, remain overnight for a party and head back the next day. Jerry Karnes and Andrew Coker were the founders of the Toy Run.
That first year we delivered enough new toys to serve the POC area and we had so much fun we decided to make it an annual event. Since then we have expanded to delivering enough toys to serve thousands of children along the Gulf Coast.We have boats coming to POC from ports all up and down the coast...rain or shine.
The Toy Run is always the first Saturday in December but we work year around to get donations and collect new toys for this great event. We guarantee that if you ever join us for the Toy Run you will become a regular. It is just one of the most heart-warming experiences you can have. We never see the children we serve. As far as they know it was all done by Santa.